General FAQs
What grades does Insight School of Kansas (ISKS) offer?
ISKS offers grades 7–12 for students aged 18 and younger who reside in Kansas. We also offer a program for adult students aged 19 and older who reside in Kansas and wish to complete requirements for their high school diploma. Learn more about our adult high school program.
Is ISKS tuition free?
Yes. Because we are a public school, we operate under the same state guidelines as traditional public schools. No tuition is required.
Does the program provide textbooks and other instructional materials?
Yes. All instructional materials are provided to students to ensure their success in the program.
How many students will get into the school?
ISKS has no cap on the number of students who may enroll.
What if my child is behind on credits or failing classes?
ISKS specializes in addressing the needs of struggling students. Our credit recovery and remediation programs help students get back on track. We also develop an individualized plan to ensure every student has a roadmap to success that’s specific to them.
What if my child has been expelled?
ISKS does not enroll students currently expelled from another district.
What are the immunization requirements?
Immunization Requirements
Each year, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment issues its updated immunization requirements for any child attending school. Immunizations are used to protect children from highly infectious diseases. The requirements are made based on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.
Immunization Requirements [PDF]
Kansas School Phase in Approach [PDF]
In certain cases, exemptions to vaccination are allowed. These include:
- Chickenpox: If your child has had the disease, please provide documentation of the date from your physician.
- Religious Exemptions: Please provide a written statement with signature and date if you are a member of a religious denomination whose teachings are opposed to such immunizations.
- Medical Exemptions: Please provide a yearly written statement from your physician indicating the immunizations your child cannot receive.
- Medical Exemption Form [PDF]
The current recommended and minimum interval immunization schedules may be found on the CDC webpage. For more information about immunization requirements, contact the school office at 913.592.4600.
How can I learn more about ISKS’ policies and procedures?
For more information, check out our school handbook: 2024-2025 Student and Learning Coach Handbook [PDF].
How can I learn more about the Adult Program’s policies and procedures?
For more information, check out our school handbook: 2024-2025 Adult Program Student Handbook [PDF].
Does ISKS offer NCAA-approved courses?
We are proud to be recognized by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). View our list of approved core courses by visiting the NCAA’s high school selection site and inputting high school code 172811. To learn more about our NCAA-approved courses, click here.